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Alistair Edwards

Alistair edwards Alistair edwards


Fresh out of University, 23 year old Alistair is a journalism graduate from London in the U.K and also our junior researcher and copywriter. When he’s not working in the office on all sorts of projects, Alistair loves to play online poker and one day (when he’s a millionaire!) he hopes to publish a book about poker tips and how to profit from playing online poker.

What many don’t know about young Mr. Edwards is that he has an extensive collection of vintage teapots. This self-confessed geek and modern-day Don Juan of social media believes gambling is simple, it’s 50/50, you either win or you ignore you lost and try again.

His vision of online casino games

“It’s no longer a taboo, my friends and I often play online and challenge each other. First, it was who won ‘X’ amount, then it was who can reach four figures first, and now we’re on who will scoop five figures. This will no doubt continue till one of us is either filthy rich or we’re all broke.”

He continues…

“This is an industry that has to evolve quickly as players can hop from one casino to the next in their quest for fortune and enjoyment. Casinos have bloomed in the past few years, but will the bubble burst? I don’t believe it will, there’s a seemingly natural progression for all platforms of gaming and gambling is no different.”

He still continues…

“For me, the future is TV participation shows played out on some social media channel yet to be invented, viewers can gamble with you as you play in a VR connected casino with other players. I could be wrong, but I would either like this or some form of The Running Man (the movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger) to become reality. As long as there’s gambling I think betting on death matches isn’t too far off.”

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